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Excava stakes new project in Antofagasta Region, adding 3,300 hectares to its exploration portfolio

Updated: Oct 13, 2020

Excava Holding (“Excava”) is pleased to announce that the company has secured a strategic land package, hosted within Chile’s premier world-class Paleocene - Early Eocence belt, one of the most competitive mining & exploration areas in northern Chile. The Viernes property is strategically located next to Yamana’s El Peñon, BHP/Rio Tinto Escondida and Antofagasta’s Zaldivar mines.

The west portion of the Viernes property offers prospectivity for low-sulphidation epithermal gold veins as evidenced by outcrops of the Chile-Alemania volcano-stratigraphic sequence of Paleocene-Eocene age, which is also the main host rock for gold vein mineralization at el Peñon gold mine. Additionally, contact zones in Paleocene-Eocene volcanics & a large Eocene age diorite to monzodiorite stock, also offer prospectivity for porphyry gold and copper mineralization.



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