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People, people, people


A strong shareholder base




Francisco is a mining professional and entrepreneur, with 10 years experience across the industry and currently part of CRU Group's consulting team. Prior to this, he founded Kura Minerals, providing M&A and strategic advice to mining companies and financial institutions developing projects in the region. Francisco started his career involved in Minera Escondida strategic development, working in major Cu-Au feasibility mining projects and geometallurgy. He also supported other BHP Billiton operations in Chile, working in hypogene ore processing R&D.




Jack is an exploration geologist with 30 years experience in all aspects of mineral exploration and project management.  He resides in Chile and has spent the last 27 years exploring for base and precious metals deposits in South America. He led the exploration activities culminating with the discovery of the "world-class" Sierra Gorda Cu-Mo (Au) porphyry deposit for KGHM. Prior to this, Jack worked for several Canadian junior mining & exploration companies,  including, Princeton Mining, Atna Resources, Aquest Minerals and Rio Algom.




Michael is an industry expert, CEO of Torq Resources and with over 20 years of experience in the junior mining sector. For the past 17 years, he has been leading mining investment and financings in the USA and Canada through his work with Sprott Private Wealth and Sprott Global Resources Inc. Michael has also worked as a project Engineer for a number of top-tier Canadian mining companies such as Placer Dome, Falconbridge and Inco, and as an Exploration Manager for Atapa Minerals in Indonesia and Peru.




Carl has a broad experience in business consulting, project management, company start-ups and financing in the mining sector. Currently CEO of Magnus Minerals and Firefox Gold, leading exploration companies in Finland. As an economist and precious metals investor, he is an expert in hard currency and contrarian business strategy. He is also a founding member of FinnAust Mining Plc, a JV company with Australian nickel miner Western Areas NL, which is now listed on the AIM-exchange in London. 




John-Mark holds a Ph.D. in economic geology and has over 20 years of diverse mining and exploration experience in precious and base metals. Currently, the CEO of Riverside Resources, he previously held positions with a number of major international mining companies including Kennecott, BHP-Billiton, and most recently Teck Cominco. He also worked with smaller commodity-focused companies like Magma Copper Company and consulted to private investment groups. His technical and managerial experience spans more than 30 countries in diverse geologic environments.


Our discovery success has come from doing things the old-fashioned way…..putting it all on paper, visualizing the interpretation and peer reviewing


Excava Holding is a privately-held company, incorporated in Chile. ​

© 2020 Excava Holding SpA

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