Excava is an exploration driven private vehicle set to unlock Chile’s new discoveries
John 'Jack' Currie
- Chief Technical Officer
World-class Sierra Gorda Cu-Mo(Au) porphyry discovery
Over 25 years experience in Chile
People who have made discoveries before, will likely do it again – trust in proven, successful teams and learn past successful exploration campaigns. Teamwork and ability to leave your ego at the door is essential.
“the geologist who sees the most rocks wins”

Our Process
A generative model
We have a unique in-country expertise to access large numbers of projects and areas of interest. Capacity to understand potential and generate targets.
We deploy our capital and technical expertise to consolidate projects, gaining equity stake in the project while creating value.
We leverage our relationship with our partners and know-how to identify most suitable strategy to each project in our portfolio. From incubating mining companies to deal structuring, we capitalize our investments with in a long term view.